Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Women's Supper: "Spring Cleaning"

The focus of our April Women's Supper was "Spring Cleaning." In addition to sharing a delicious meal and participating in team competitions (pictures below), we discussed how we can clean our spiritual homes -- so that we can be more of the women God has called us to be. The scripture we focused on this month was:
"Create in me a clean heart, O God;and renew a right spirit within me." --Psalm 51:10
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." --Romans 12:1
"Spring Cleaning" Team Competitions
The women worked as a team at four different cleaning tasts - each of which could earn their team one point. Team three was ultimately victorious --- but the women should all be applauded for their cleaning efforts.
Sandy, Diane, & Lynette hold onto their paper towels!

Stacey wraps her "team" in paper towel -- before re-rolling the tube.

Sara tries to beat the other teams by filling her cup first!

Vicki takes her turn as Sara looks on.

Jenny tries to fill the cup before the other teams.

Diane takes her turn at her table.

Denese comes up with a strategy to help Jenny.

Denese, Katy, Lisa, & Jeanne try to "spring clean" the fastest.